Fenland Flag Campaign

I am delighted to be taking a motion to the Full Council meeting on 22nd April to support and endorse local efforts to register a flag for Fenland with the Flag Institute.
Fenland Flag
Fenland Flag

Inspired by the success of the Black Country flag and aware of the strong sense of identity in the people of the Fens, East Cambridgeshire resident and vexillographer (vexillography is the art and practice of designing flags!) Mr James Bowman embarked on the design and promotion of a flag for the Fenland area in 2016.  Mr Bowman writes that the symbol of the Fens is the Fen Tiger and that this designation derives from the sometimes violent opposition of the local population to the fen drainage schemes of the 17th century.  ‘Fen Tiger’ is a well known and well used nickname for someone from the Fens and many associations and businesses in the area use the term, sometimes with logos that feature tigers.  

I hope that fellow ECDC Members will support this campaign through the motion and I wish Mr Bowman every success with his efforts.
