At Full Council on 15 July a refresh of the Plan was agreed, focusing on 5 key areas:
1) Investing in our hamlets, villages, towns and our city to rebuild confidence and provide a legacy for post pandemic times. Investment, via Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds, into:
- Our NHS – GP surgeries and the Princess of Wales Hospital
- Community facilities in our parishes
- Sport and leisure
- Flood resilience and water management, through increasing capacity in the Internal Drainage Board infrastructure
2) Providing genuinely affordable housing for those who live or work in our district, driven and designed by the community, not imposed on them – through Community Land Trusts, through £100k Homes and the new, very similar, First Homes policy from the Government.
3) Addressing the climate emergency
- £1m investment into home energy efficiency improvements
- £100k investment into energy efficiency at the Council’s office The Grange
- A focus on nature recovery
4) Improving public transport, cycling and walking. The Combined Authority publicly recognised the work of East Cambs District Council recently with our efforts on the East Cambs Bus Prospectus and, as covered in last month’s article we are commissioning Sustrans to carry out feasibility studies on 6 key cycles routes, including Little Downham to Ely.
5) Keeping our businesses and their employees moving effectively around the area – we will continue to work with our partners on the necessary road and rail infrastructure our district needs.
You can view the Corporate Plan here.