Frequently Asked Questions
Residents are often confused why the role of a Councillor is required, and what they actually do.
Here is a list of the most commonly asked questions that are submitted to us regarding the work of a Councillor, that we hope you will find useful.
- District Councillors are elected to represent the residents in their local community – including those that did not vote for them.
- They must either live or work in the District and represent the Ward for which they are elected.
- They are involved in the development and review of council policy, to make sure that the council has a clear direction and the correct working arrangements are in place to ensure that it achieves what it has set out to do, that will affect their own Ward, and the whole District.
- Respond to residents queries and investigate concerns, which is known as casework.
- Know their Ward and be aware of any problems.
- Know and work with local organisations, community groups, businesses and tiered council officers.
- Communicate the needs of the community to the District Council, and the council processes to the community.
- Communicate council decisions to Parish Councils.
- Prepare for, and attend council meetings.
- Follow the Councillor’s Code of Conduct.
- Most people become councillors as a result of joining a political party, however, some people stand for election as an independent i.e. a candidate who does not belong to any political party.
- Each councillor receives a basic allowance, and some members are paid a special responsibility allowance (SRA). The SRA is payable to those councillors who take on significant responsibility for example the Chairman and Vice Chairman of Committees, Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council or a political group.
- A Ward is an electoral area and may be represented by 1, 2 or 3 councillors depending on the number of residents living in the Ward.
- Local government elections take place every 4 years. Not all local government elections take place at the same time. East Cambridgeshire District Council elect all of their local councillors at the same time.
- The District Council is responsible for a number of statutory services which are provided for our communities including waste collection and street cleansing, council tax collection, housing and planning applications, environmental health, licensing, parks and open spaces, and community safety.
- The Council’s Constitution is the governance document which sets out how the council will operate, how decisions are made, and the procedures that are followed to ensure that they are efficient, transparent and accountable.
- East Cambridgeshire District Council run a committee system. This means that a number of committees have been established, with specific areas of responsibility i.e. Operational Services, Finance and Assets, Licensing, Planning and Audit. The political groups appoint elected members to each committee. With a committee system, more councillors are actively involved in the decisions made.
- The Full Council (a meeting of all council members) is responsible for all decisions.
- The Conservative Party hold the majority of councillor seats at East Cambs District Council and therefore oversee the administration of the council. The Leader of the Council is also the Leader of the Conservative Group.
- A full list of the Conservative District Councillors, the Wards they represent, and their details can be found here.
- The answer is no, but voting in both local and national elections is the way that you can engage with the democratic process, and play your part in how the council, and the country is run.
Did you know? Less than 50% of eligible residents voted in the 2019 Local Election.
- Because one vote can make the difference in who represents your Ward, which is your community.
- Local elections have the most direct impact on you and your daily life, as issues decided at district level include collecting council tax, waste collection and street cleansing, housing, parks and open spaces, environmental health, planning and community safety.
- District Councillors are residents too. They will most likely live within the Ward they represent, will know about local issues, and want the very best for the communities they stand for.
- The East Cambs Conservative Group want East Cambridgeshire to be the very best place to live and work. Our manifesto is driven by our residents, and we deliver on our promises. We need your support to help us continue to get things done.
- To become a District Councillor you will have to stand for election. District Council elections are held every four years. You can stand as a candidate for a political party, if you have their backing, or as an individual (an independent candidate). Find out more
- Are you a conservative who is passionate about your community, and wants to improve the quality of life for the residents in your local area? If you are, then you would be an ideal candidate to become a conservative councillor, and we would love to hear from you, contact us today.
- If you are do not want to become a councillor, but are keen to support the conservative candidates you could help us by:
- Displaying a poster
- Delivering leaflets
- Sharing our good news stories online
- Contact us to offer your support