Labour approves Sunnica against government objections

Labour Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero approves massive solar farm against objections from all levels of government, including HM Planning Inspectorate.

I share the Council’s extreme disappointment about the decision taken by Ed Miliband, the new Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, to approve the massive solar farm near Isleham, Chippenham, Kennett and Snailwell, to be built on prime agricultural land through use of compulsory purchase powers.

East Cambs District Council, together with West Suffolk Council and Cambridgeshire County Council, objected to this development.  (Read ECDC’s statement.)  The Government’s own Planning Inspectorate agreed with us, recommending it for refusal.

Despite this, Ed Miliband, just one week into the job has decided to ignore all the evidence and give it the go ahead.

This development will blight the lives of people living in the area and is of no benefit whatsoever to the residents of East Cambs.

Anna Bailey

East Cambs District Council

Member for the Downham Ward

Leader of the Council

Map courtesy of Say No To Sunnica

May be an image of map and text
