
East Cambridgeshire is a rural area. It is essential that we collaborate with the responsible agencies to improve the transport options which will support residents to access a wider range of services and activities.


Bus Services are poor and many of our towns and villages are not connected by footpaths and cycle routes.

We need improved bus services that are more frequent and that reach our residents in the most rural locations, in addition to a network of safe footpaths and cycle routes across the district. We are working hard to prove the case for Better Bus Services in East Cambs and we have produced a Bus Strategy.

The Ely Zipper is a circular line with 28 stops departing from Market Street, Ely
The Ely Zipper is a circular line with 28 stops departing from Market Street, Ely
Ely Southern Bypass
Ely Southern Bypass

Car and Rail

Travelling by vehicle is essential for so many of our residents, and our road networks desperately need improving.

The District Council is not directly responsible for roads, but we have already worked with partners and contributed funding to ensure that the southern by-pass around Ely connecting the A142 at Angel Drove to Stuntney Causeway, the upgrade to the A142/A10 and Lancaster Way roundabouts at Ely, and the A14 upgrade have been delivered.

We also played a key role in getting the new Soham Railway Station off the ground funding early feasibility work and driving the project forward until it was handed over to the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority. We strongly support the dualling of the A10, and the improvement of rail connectivity across the district, and will continue to work with the Combined Authority and Cambridgeshire County Council to ensure that the residents of East Cambridgeshire benefit from the funding that is available to enable upgrades to both road and rail.

We support the north Ely railway junction upgrade to improve freight and passenger journey frequency but only if road access is maintained for local residents.

Cycling and Walking

Although it is not the responsibility of the District Council we are championing improvements to cycling and walking routes.

We sent a survey to every household in the district and we have used this to produce a Cycling and Walking Routes Strategy. We are also putting money into developing feasibility studies for priority routes to help us make the case for funding to get new infrastructure delivered.

Our actions are based on our corporate plan priorities

Find out more on how we are delivering on these promises...